Small Business Loans – Ready Set Funds

How To Get a Small Business Loan

Getting a Ready Set Funds small business loan is really a simple process.

  1. Let Us Know About Your Small Business

    Answer a few simple questions about your small business in our short online application and find out if you qualify for a Ready Set Funds small business loan in just a few seconds!

  2. Review Your Options With One Of Our Small Business Loan Specialists

    We’ll reach out to you and have you tell us your story to help us understand your small business. Then we’ll explain your funding options while answering any questions you may have during the small business loan process.

  3. Submit Basic Financial Records

    To ensure we have all the information we need to get you the small business loan that is the best fit for your company. Submitting your financial statements online to us is absolutely secure!

  4. Accept Final Offer and Business Loan Terms

    After a careful review of your loan application, our team will deliver a final customized offer with your business loan terms. Sign off and that’s it!

  5. Receive Funding

    Once you sign off on the terms your funds will be deposited into your bank account. Now it’s up to you to get growing!

How Much Is A Small Business Loan?

Use our business loan calculator to get an estimated idea of what your monthly payment may be & what a business loan may cost.

Can I afford a small business loan?

Calculate your Monthly Payment with our Business Loan Calculator, then make sure it is less than 80% of your personal and business’s monthly income after deducting all of your existing monthly expenses. For example, if your household’s income after expenses and existing debt payments is $1,000 per month, we recommend you apply for a loan that would not exceed an $800 monthly payment.

* The loan terms are figures shown in calculation results are example figures and subject to final lender approval.
1 Represents total cost of the loan including Total Interest Paid & Closing Fee
2 Assumes 4.99% closing fee against the approved loan amount. Closing fees may vary between 4.99% and 6.99%.

What is your desired loan amount?


Select from 24 to 60 monthly payments

36 months

Select your approximate interest rate


Monthly Payment*

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It’s free and won’t impact your credit score